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Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's been rough...'s been more than a year now that I came to the US. Since then, life's been pretty rough, or rather I should say I've been pretty rough to myself. The past months have been among the worst ones in my life, in terms of my emotional and mental health.
Initially, I used to think it is because of the change of place and staying away from home and loved ones that caused me all the pain. But, with the passage of time, I discovered and realized that it is because of issues that were already inside me for long, but which I was always neglecting(I didn't, in the first place consider I had any problem). It's this past one year which has shown me how immature I am emotionally and how I had always been that way. I have also come to understand that everything is in the mind, it all depends on how you see it. Very simple to understand this, yet very hard to actually change the way we see things because of the way our egos have been conditioned. Alright, I am no one to actually write much on this because, I am myself striving to get some peace within. I would recommend people to read this beautiful article that I very much liked -

Also, do browse through the blog for many more great articles. Amazing insight the guy has!